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6 Tips for Helping Your Makeup Stay All Day

Ever look in the mirror late in the afternoon and find that your makeup looks very different than it did when you left the house this morning? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. This happens to all of us. Throughout the day, your makeup is going to fade a little. It’s incredibly frustrating, but luckily, there are a few things you can do to help your makeup last a lot longer, so that you look as incredible walking out of work as you did walking in.

Exfoliate Regularly

The first step to long-lasting makeup is not related to your makeup at all—it’s all about your skin care. Your makeup will go on more smoothly and last a lot longer when it’s applied to smooth, healthy skin. So make sure that you’re taking good care of your face and exfoliating twice a week. This will polish away dead skin cells and leave a nice, smooth canvas for your makeup. Plus, with beautiful, glowing skin, you may be able to use less makeup to begin with!

Use a Primer

Long-lasting makeup begins with a good primer. Primer provides a smooth and even surface for your makeup, and keeps the makeup from absorbing into your skin, which helps it to last longer. Just make sure you’re using the right primer for your skin type—use an oil-free formula if you have oily skin, but use a hydrating primer if you find yourself battling dry patches. You may also want to invest in an eyelid primer to keep your eyeshadow flawless throughout the day.

Use Light Layers

You’ve probably heard that wearing several light layers of clothing will keep you warmer than one heavy coat. Well, a similar concept applies to your makeup. Lightly layering your makeup on will help it to last a lot longer, as well as looking more natural than a single heavy layer. This rule applies to your lipstick, eye makeup, and your base makeup.

Use That Liner

The key to long-lasting lip color lies with the liner. Learn to use your lip liner to “map” your lips and create a frame for your lipstick or lip stain. You’ll want to frame your lips, especially the corners and your cupid’s bow, to give your lipstick grip and structure. Apply your lipstick or lip stain in soft layers, then finish it with a coating of lip liner to set it. We currently carry five different shades of lip liner to complement a wide variety of lip shades.

Try a Setting Spray

If you do all of the above and still find your makeup vanishing by the end of the day, look into a makeup setting spray. This is the makeup equivalent of hairspray, allowing you to set your look for the entire day. A quick mist of setting spray before you leave the house can help keep everything in place for many more hours than without.

Hands Off

The final key to long-lasting makeup is about your face-touching habits. We all habitually touch our faces throughout the day, but every touch removes makeup from your skin and adds oils to your face—not to mention spreading germs and viruses. No matter how great your makeup us, or how persistent you are about the above steps, if you are constantly touching or rubbing your face, you might as well not bother. So keep your hands off your face, and your makeup will be that much more likely to last throughout the day.

All of the makeup from Shine is made for long-lasting wear, helping you to shine throughout your day. By using high-quality products and following the steps above, you can keep your makeup beautiful for hours longer, and go through your day with unshakable confidence.

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